Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wrong. Just wrong.

Sorry for the lack of posts. Busy, tired, yadda, yadda, yadda. Onward we go...

Sure, in the grand scheme of things, losing a softball game isn't high on the list, but still. We go out in this level of Hell we call "Raleigh in June," sweat our you-know-what's off only to get screwed by some yutz who can't tell his ass from a hole in the ground.

Not that I'm bitter.

The umpire blew the call in our 2nd game Friday night. Cost us the game, a higher seed in the playoffs, my sanity and the temper of the rest of our team.

I did get to yell "Sit down!" at some lady in the stands, which felt good. And watching the president of our company get up in the face of the umpire was rather amusing as well.

And the team we were playing is rather smarmy, in that Frank Burns from M*A*S*H kind of way. Despite their losing record, they seem to play us well. However, redemption happens on Wednesday in a rematch to open the first round of the tournament.

Let's hope we don't have the same crappy umpires.