Thursday, June 19, 2008

I'm a Cyberslacker -- and so are you!

Long has been the debate, or issue, rather, that people spend too much time at work surfing the Internet which Al Gore so wonderfully gave us.

A new study, however, says that "cyberslacking" isn't really as bad as it seems.

For instance, people may use the Web at work to help balance job and life responsibilities; with the personal matters taken care of from work, they can focus on the task at hand.(Source: CNN)

The study also finds that everyone, from management to entry-level employees, is surfing the Tubes. The study did not cover the subject matter of the said surfing.

Which is probably a good thing.

Not for me of course. I'm merely balancing my job and life responsibilities.

YOU, on the other hand...

As usual, Dave Letterman speaks the truth...

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